The TownScope software is our main in-house developed tool.
Through its graphical interface and powerful interactive analysis tools you can quickly
evaluate and compare different options for one given project.
Analysis tools available in the current version :
- Solar access : assessment of direct, diffused and reflected solar radiation.
- Thermal comfort : evaluation of human thermal comfort in an urban open space.
- Sky opening, View lengths and Visibility analyses provide perceptive qualities of urban open spaces.
Main features |
To current version 3.4.1
- Added and used global hindrance sunrise and sunset values for solar access computations
- Added and used GMT offset for results presentation
- Added and used Daylight saving period
New since version 3.0.1
- Use of a weather file containing for any day :
- max. hourly values (on the hour [0...23]) of direct and diffused energies in w/m2.
- hourly percentages (on the hour [0...23]) of sky cover factors.
- Software update module within the application.
Version 3.0.0
- Supported file formats : 3DS, VRML, DXF, OBJ, URB,...
- Multi-model and workspace management.
- Meteorological parameters (humidity, clouding,...) and vegetation masks specified as monthly data.
- Direct comparison between the results of computed analyses on different scenes.
- Terrain generation from 3D points.
- Opacity and daylight shadings rendering.
- Extra-tools for exporting, transforming and managing 3D models.
- Integrated user's manual.
- ...